CARD #2126.144 – INVASION
From Spritzer Coliseum, Trifid Nebula FADE IN The crowd is jam packed for this, very first, GWF EVENT from the Trifid Nebula. They cheer loudly as the show goes on…
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos FADE IN We are greeted by the familiar faces of ABROZ and DIALECTUS. The both bow towards the camera. ABROZ: One again we are well…
From the Mira Ceti War Memorial, Cetus FADE IN The arena is packed but the air is somber and quiet. Huge HoloVision screens depict Omega in various stages in his…
Read MoreCARD #2126.141 – ROOKIE BRAWL
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos FADE IN The Deimos Intergalactic Arena is jam packed as the GWF faithful get set to kick off 2126! The fans are going nuts! Suddenly…
Read MoreCARD #2125.140 – BIG BANG 51 – 12.31.2125
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos FADE IN The arena is packed and a HUGE syntho-pyro display welcomes us to the biggest event of the year, the final event of the…
Read MoreGWF Superstars – Out of the Ring – EPISODE #001
We sit down with Symbiosis.
Read MoreCARD #2125.139 – INVASION – 11.14.2125
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos FADE IN Behind the arena, a cruiser lands. The ramp lowers and PAYBACK steps out. He turns and looks back up the ramp and down…
Read MoreCARD #2125.138 – SUPERNOVA: CHALLENGE – 11.07.2125
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos FADE IN DIALECTUS and ABROZ are in the middle of the ring and they welcome everyone to what will be the final full night of…
Read MoreCARD #2125.137 – BETRAYAL – 10.14.2125
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos FADE IN SUPER: EARLIER TODAY We are in the boardroom of the GWF directors. SLY DRURY stands at the end of the table pleading with…
Read MoreCARD #2125.136 – SUPERNOVA: CHALLENGE – 10.07.2125
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos ABROZ and DIALECTUS welcome us to another night of INFINITY CHALLENGE action! They announce that all three INFINITY CHALLENGE CUPS will be defended tonight. They…
GWF Corporate Offices, Deimos Because of the immense amount of media and fan interest in the events that occured last night a SURVIVAL, a press conference had been called at…
Read MoreAll characters ©Filsinger Games. All story and content ©1986 - 2020 Grant Baciocco