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STORMFRONT 2131 PREVIEW Hello fans! Trent Lawless here, the very best in GWF Broadcasting, and I’ve got your rundown for the big SuperCard headed your way on CARD 2131.280 –…
Read MoreCARD 2131.279 – INVASION
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos Commentary: Trent Lawless Backstage/Ringside: Nitro The arena is packed and the fans are wild! Part of the reason is they know that after tonight, the…
Read More2131 – NEWS & UPDATES
NEWS & RUMORS Trent Lawless checks in with some of the latest updates from around the GWF Scene. – Wolf has yet to reappear after his loss to Prime Colonizer. …
Read MoreCARD 2131.278 – SUPERNOVA
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos Commentary: Trent Lawless Backstage/Ringside: Nitro Euritar is in the middle of the ring and he announces that tonight will see the first round in a…
Read MoreCARD 2131.277 – INVASION
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos Commentary: Trent Lawless Backstage/Ringside: Nitro The evening starts with Bex in the center of the ring. He gets a mixed reaction. There are those on…
Read More2131 – Deimos Perennial Fallout!
The entire galaxy learned last night that it was the Gladiators behind the attack on The Hive and the abduction of, then, GALAXIAN CHAMPION Swarm. In a bold move, Aethran…
Read MoreCARD 2131.276 – DEIMOS PERENNIAL 2131
Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos Commentary: Trent Lawless Backstage/Ringside: Nitro The arena is filled to the rafters as the GWF Universe is ready to kick off 2131 in grand style! Not…
Read More2131 Roster Updates
While the galaxy has been enthralled with the abduction of Swarm, people often forget that life does go on and the GWF is preparing for a new year. Here are…
Read More2131 – The Hive Attack – News Roundup
Below are a collection of brief news items collecting the latest on the situation of the attack on The Hive and the abduction of GWF GALAXIAN CHAMPION Swarm. The Deimos…
Read More2131 – Statement from the GWF
Earlier today, the Galactic Wrestling Federation issued the following statement to the press: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE RE: The Abduction of the GALAXIAN CHAMPION Swarm The Galactic Wrestling Federation, along with…
Read More2131 – NEW YEAR’S DAY – THE HIVE
The following segment was filmed in one single shot with no edits. The camera, an ultra modern holovision drone unit, glides effortlessly along, capturing everything. The camera hovers down a…
Read MoreAll characters ©Filsinger Games. All story and content ©1986 - 2020 Grant Baciocco