

LADY GODSEND defeated Shann-Ra with Off With Her Head in a fantastic opener. After the match, Shann-Ra and Catfight made overtures to Lady Godsend to join them in their fight against Storm and Bulldoze. Lady Godsend rebuffed them. *****

AZUMA crushed Murtak with a TITAN DROP. Murtak is trying to build an army ‘like the Gladiators have.’ He tried to recruit Azuma as his General. It didn’t work. SQUASH

BETTER THAN HUMAN picked up a big win against Chameleon Creatures when Tharkas hit Chameleon Creature Black Death who had turned into Sentinel with ONLY HUMAN. Chameleon Creatures shocked everyone by turing in into Castilex during the match! After the bell, Tharkas decreed that he and PSI were number one contenders since they’d beaten the former champs. ***

EXO-KING got the victory over Necros with a headlock driver in a highly competitive Torture Chamber match. Both men had two pitfalls on each other but Exo-King made a comeback to get the win. Necros was injured in this match and Exo-King couldn’t be happier. *****

FDF TRADITION won by disqualification over Mean Streets when Sly Drury interfered to break up a pinfall. Drury is now accompanying Mean Streets to ensure victories. He cost them one here. *

MONOLITH squashed Orrus with CATASTROPHE in a non-title main event match. SQUASH