2137.427 – SUPERNOVA

Live from Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos!

Cosmic Woman demanded a match with Storm and Massif granted it, much to Dark Menace’s dismay! Storm charged the ring, not backing down from any fight.

Cosmic Woman d. Storm via pinfall after a Cosmic Energy Burst – *** – This was all Cosmic Woman! The crowd loved every minute as Cosmic Woman decimated Storm!

After the bell, Cosmic Woman dragged Storm from the ring and placed her head against the guardrail! She was about to give Storm the same treatment she gave Bulldoze! Commander Sam grabbed her arm, telling her to stop. She shoved him back!

Dark Menace ran ringside and warned her she’d be permanently banned from the GWF if she purposely injured Storm! The crowd wanted to see Cosmic Woman deliver Storm some of what she’s dished out since her debut and egged her on!

Cosmic Woman thought long and hard and then dropped Storm’s arm and flew from ringside. Dark Menace helped Storm to the back.

Endgame d. Necros via DQ after the ref spots Necros using Phantom Dust – ** – Endgame got the win but also a face full of Phantom Dust!

As Commander Sam helped Endgame, Totalis rushed the ring and attacked Endgame from behind.

TOTALIS: You wanted me to learn a lesson, Endgame? I haven’t learned anything!

Security rushed the ring to get Totalis away from Endgame. Endgame didn’t look injured as Commander Sam got him away from ringside.

CHAMELEON CREATURES d. NOWHERE TO RUN when Chameleon Creature Future Shock makes Kill Prey submit to the Cobra Clutch – ** – The arena gasped in shock when, during the middle of the match, the CHAMELEON CREATURES began to morph into MEAN STREETS! They fought at Patch and Skiver for the rest of the match! And Patch, Chameleon Creature Future Shock, made Kill Prey tap out with Patch’s move!

After the bell, the CHAMELEON CREATURES stood in the center of the ring and began to morph again. Everyone thought they’d morph back into their usual states but they morphed into Wolf and Kill Prey!

“Wolf” opened his mouth and a high pitched screeching emanated from it.

The arena was in shock and NOWHERE TO RUN beat a hasty retreat from the ring!

Lady Godsend d. Kralla via DQ when the action went ringside and Kralla smashed Lady Godsend with the butt of her rifle – * – Kralla, frustrated about her title loss, takes those frustrations out on Lady Godsend.

After the bell, Kralla advanced on Lady Godsend again but Demon Godsend stepped between them. Kralla stared up at Demon Godsend without fear but backed away after a minute and left ringside.

Tempest d. Totalis via DQ when the ref caught Totalis attempting Title Quest – *

As Totalis left ringside, Endgame appeared and Totalis sprinted off through the crowd to avoid the confrontation.

Godsend d. Fist via DQ when Fist threw a table at Godsend at ringside – ** – Godsend’s quest to defeat all the Gladiators to get to Aethran Overmaster hit a roadblock in the form of a table thrown at him by First!

GODSEND (seething): Overmaster! Stop sending me your lackeys! Face me!

Death Knight (II) d. Saber via pinfall after I STRIKE FOR FREEDOM – **** – Death Knight (II) in a great showing, beating Saber in competitive match!

Gryt mentions that Death Knight (II) is on a roll.

DEATH KNIGHT II: One match at a time! That’s how it must be. But now I have my eyes on a prize! The Interplanetary Championship!