SLY DRURY is wrapping up a strategy meeting with AETHRAN OVERMASTER.

OVERMASTER: Menace has made the arrangements. You will face Demon Godsend on the next card. And I expect a win. I cannot be distracted by THE DOMINION. I have other things to worry about. Now go.

DRURY nods and turns to leave. OVERMASTER rubs his temple.

SLY DRURY: There is one other matter I wanted to broach with you.

OVERMASTER: Be quick. My patience wears thin.

SLY DRURY: At Big Bang, you were victorious in reclaiming the GALAXIAN CHAMPIONSHIP.

OVERMASTER: Do you intend to waste my time telling me things I already know?

SLY DRURY: No, no. But, I also won that night. I defeated 12 other men to win a battle royal. A battle royal that granted me a title shot. A title shot at your GALAXIAN CHAMPIONSHIP, partner.

OVERMASTER tenses up, bracing for a fight. He stands and crosses to DRURY.

DRURY: Easy now. Easy, friend. I have no intention of ruining our friendship by demanding that happen. In fact, I’m hoping we can help each other out. I’ll give up my GALAXIAN title shot if you ask Dark Menace to use his co-commissioner powers to get the title shot switched from the GALAXIAN to the INTERPLANETARY so I can get my hand on Shayne.

OVERMASTER is silent.

OVERMASTER: It will be done. Now leave.