Transcripts, June 2130 – Cage Death Betrayer

Who are you?

That’s what I need to know.

Who are you?

I can’t quite place your style, but I’m close.  It’s like a name that sits in the back of your brain, just our of reach.  A name you should know because it is so common, but no matter how much you reach for it, fingertips lightly brushing up against it, you can’t grasp it at all.

Who are you?

I know one person you are not.  You are not me.  I was you for a few years, but now I am not you.


It’s all his fault.  This I understand.  He is doing this to me.  Making me doubt myself.  Making me think things to encourage the muddying of my brain.  What he doesn’t understand is that this is not muddying my brain.  It’s making things clearer because, unlike before when my brain was split, I now have something I can focus on.  Focus all my thoughts, anger and aggression.  On you.


I have aligned myself with a woman and fool, but this is temporary and as a precaution because I don’t trust him.  I worked with him far too long to not know his method, his thought process to not take some level of precautions no matter how feeble they may be.  And him finding you just proves my point.


I will find out.  Of that you can be certain.  I will find out.  I almost know who you are now, but your name is just out of reach.  So familiar.  And if my memory can’t help me figure out WHO YOU ARE, rest assured that I will find out who you are with my bare hands.


I have to admit you are good.  You studied holorecords for certain.  You are very, very close, but you are not me.  Nor could you be me.  You will only ever be a cheap imitation of me and because of that, I will beat you.  No, I will destroy you, because you are not me.


For the past few years I have battled myself.  Battled my brain for control of my sanity and now, just recently, since you donned the Masque, I have won.  You have focused me.  You have made my path, my destiny, clearer than it ever has been.  I know who am am and I have you to thank.  And I will thank you.  By destroying you completely.


Once I have destroyed you.  Once I have taken you out, figured out who you are and then completely annihilated you, I will go ager him.  Go after him and end him.  The GWF has suffered far too long under his meddling and it needs to be ended.  Does no one realize it was he who brought Black Death into the GWF?  He who is responsible for all our suffering?  They do not.  Their feuds with him are only superficial.  Petty grievances about feelings being hurt.  No more.  His time will end and I will be standing over him when it does.  But first….you.


Ready or not…here I come.