CARD 2129.234 – INVASION

From Nereid Starplex, Neptune

The show began with fan favorite, Sur coming out and issuing an open challenge.  He said the reason for this is that while IMMORTALS will win the GALAXIAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP at RETRIBUTION, he wanted to remind the galaxy that The Three are amazing singles wrestlers!  Tauran ran to the ring and gladly accepted.

Tauran d. Sur via pinfall after a missed turnbuckle charge – *** – A great match and a huge shock finish!  After the bell, Ghena appeared and began beating Tauran until officials cleared the ring.

RUSH & TURMOIL d. MEAN STREETS via pinfall when Rush hit Skiver with ADRENALINE RUSH – *1/2 – Looks like the Gladiators have shed their losing ways.

Tricks d. Splatter (II) via pinfall after a moonsault in a match as bloody as everyone predicted – ***1/2 – Splatter (II) has yet to score any type of victory since his debut.

WARRIORS BORN d. ULTIMATE FIGHTERS via pinfall after they hit COUNCIL OF WAR on Clinch – *1/2 – Huge win here for WARRIORS BORN.  They celebrated by immediately challenging RUSH & TURMOIL at RETRIBUTION.  Smart move?  Or Insanity?  Time will tell.

Payback d. Zygon via DQ when Zygon shoved the ref when he’d come outside the ring to try and get them back inside – *** – These two brawled all the way to the back after the bell!

Harbinger d. Bishop Hell (II) via DQ when Bishop Hell (II) threw some Hellfire and it hit the ref – DUD

Shayne d. Endgame via DQ when Endgame slammed Shayne onto the announcer’s table – ***1/2 – The ref stopped the match, but Shayne was furious!  He immediately challenged Endgame to a MENSA TABLES MATCH at RETRIBUTION.  Endgame accepted!  Shots of the two bitter enemies is what we see as we…


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