
M1.531 – Temple of Poseidyon, Olympus (51633)

Dyeus welcome everyone to the show and introduces the new Galaxian Champion Thesus who arrives with Asterion to the wild cheers of the crowd. Though no one from Olympus will be wrestling tonight, Dyeus plays an excellent host with the food and wine flowing.

Bulldoze d. Hyla via DQ when Hyla smashed Bulldoze into the announce table – ★ – After the Gladiator team made a statement at the Perennial, Hyla was determined to make a statement tonight, even if it got her DQ’d.

Invincible Krakan d. Saber with LAST MAN STANDING – ★★★★★ – This match spun out of Saber mocking Krakan after Society of Death were crushed by Titan Samurai. Krakan aimed to ‘teach a whelp some respect’ and it seems he accomplished that goal. Will Saber fall in line?

Pinnacle & Exo-King (II) brawled to a wild Double Disqualification – ★ – Eco-King (II) called out Pinnacle saying he meant nothing after losing to Grand Master. Pinnacle appeared in the ring and the brawl was on. The ref called this one shortly after the bell.

Storm d. Lady Grand Master with MILITARY PURGE – ★★ – Storm fended off Lady Grand Masters’ offense and wore her down to pick up the win. The Aethrans still aren’t speaking to anyone, giving interviews or letting anyone know their plans. With Apex & Siege holding the tag titles and Fist holding the IP, logic would say Storm is gunning for Bloody Marry’s new Galaxian Women’s title. Time will tell.

Evolved d. Headliners when Orrus covered Show Stopper after the UNSTOPPABLE SLAM in an incredibly competitive match – ★★★1/2 – Orrus & Tarval, who seemed to have split at the end of 2139 are together again and working incredibly well with each other. What was it about the move The Arc mended fences? Can the team last after the tourble we saw them in last? Again, time will tell.

In the main event, a rematch, Titan Power d. Anubis with HANGING JUDGE – ★★★★1/2 – Anubis was dominating this match against Titan Power, even smashing Titan Power with a fan’s drink at one point, but Titan Power fired up and made a big come back. Isias was at ringside and got involved at one point. Deva screamed that if she was still in control Isias would be banned from ringside. Isias wasn’t impressed. After the Headliners loss, Deva was pumped for Titan Power’s victory.