M1.530 – Arc of Eternity Perennial

Two days before the Perennial, Pinnacle appeared before all in the Arc. He had this power to appear everywhere at once, and those watching could talk back and be heard by all even if not in the same location. No doubt a trick of Godsend’s.

In a shock to the GWF wrestlers, Pinnacle held the Galaxian Title. This only gave more credence to the thought that Pinnacle was Perfect Specimen.

Pinnacle: Since your champion, Perfect Specimen did not make the trip to the arc, we will need to crown a new Galaxian Champion. A tournament will be held at the Perennial featuring a representative from three of the planets. And one from the GWF. Sutek will represent Atlantea, Thesus will represent Olympus, Grand Master will represent our new friends from the GWF and I will represent the Arc.

Lord Nexus: That’s convenient, putting yourself in the tournament. What about Valhala?

Pinnacle (tutting Nexus): I offered Lokki a spot in the tournament first and he passed on it in exchange for a shot at the Galaxian Tag Team Championships. I granted it. They will face Apex & Siege.

Fist: They will lose to Apex & Siege.

Pinnacle: That remains to be seen. Now–

Scorn: Where is Shayne?

Pinnacle: Hmmm?

Scorn: Shayne, where is he?

Pinnacle: Shayne? Oh yes, the ‘cowboy.’ When your timeline was frozen, he was injured. We’ve sent him somewhere to recuperate.* He will return when he is ready.

M1.530 – Arc of Eternity Perennial – Arc of Eternity Arena, Arc at the Center of Eternity

Galaxian Title Tournament
No DQ/ No Countout
Thesus d. Sutek via CHICKEN WING CROSSFACE – ★

Galaxian Title Tournament
No DQ/ No Countout
Grand Master d. Pinnacle via slingshot catapult – ★★★★★ – Almost as if these two knew everything about each other. There’s never been a match like this in the GWF before.

Nakano Takeko d. Isias via BOSHIN SURRENDER (+4) – SQUASH – the Arc seems to agree with Nakano! This was her most dominant victory to date.

The Basilisk d. Asterion via DQ when the action spilled out of the ring and Asterion gored The Basilisk against the turnbuckle post – ★★1/2 – Lokki was lurking at ringside during this match.

Anubis d. Titan Power via DQ when Titan Power got frustrated and clobbered Anubis with a microphone (thanks foreign objects deck) at ringside – ★★★

Forbidden d. Natives when Demonicus pinned Higher after the GATEKEEPER DROP – ★★★1/2

Catfight d. Helle via DQ when Helle smashed her opponent with her horned crown – DUD – This one didn’t even get started before Helle resorted to dirty tricks. Zara quickly got in between Catfight and Helle to ward off any further attacks.

Titan Samurai d. Society of Death when Azuma pinned Invincible Kraken after a TITAN DROP – ★★

Galaxian Women’s Championship
Bloody Marry d. Purge with CONSUMMATION to become the new Galaxian Women’s Champion – SQUASH – Despite his loss earlier in the evening, Pinnacle was very happy at this outcome.

Interplanetary Championship
Fist d. Tempest with a flying cross chop to become the new Interplanetary Champion – ★★★★★ – Another five star match! Fist ends Tempest’s reign at 23 cards and brings more gold to the Aethran camp.

Galaxian Tag Team Championship
Apex & Siege crushed Gods of Mischief when Siege covered Lokki after AETHRAN CRIPPLER – SQUASH – Incredibly dominant performance. The Gladiators sending a message to the rest of the Arc.

Galaxian Championship
No DQ/No Countout
Thesus the Brave d. Grand Master with the CHICKEN WING CROSSFACE to become the new Galaxian Champion – ★★★★★ – A mighty roar went up from the Olympus fans as Thesus captures the title in a brutal match! What started out with a handshake became contentious and both men were bloodied at the end.  The Galaxian Championship now belongs to someone not ‘officially’ in the GWF!

* See the Shayne’s Challenge series! — Grant.