2139.529 – Big Bang

Card 2139.528 – BIG BANG from Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos

Istar d. Nosfera via DQ when Nosfera went wild at ringside – DUD – This one didn’t even get off the ground before Nosfera started going crazy outside the ring, upending chairs and tables.

Musck d. Show Stopper with LOADED GLOVE – ★★1/2 – Deva was not happy with this result. She vowed New Vibe would dominate tonight despite this loss.

In a Grudge Match, Taichi d. Bulldoze via DQ when Aethran Soldiers stormed the ring and started beating down Taichi – ★★★1/2 – Hyla came out and fought the soldiers off along with Lord Nexus. Taichi appeared to be favoring her left leg after the attack.

Titan Power d. Demon Godsend via HANGING JUDGE – ★★★1/2 – A highly competitive match. It seems Demon Godsend is improving his skills a little, despite the loss. It took two of Titan Power’s finishers in a row to put the big man down.

In another Grudge Match, Storm d. Hyla after a Gladiator Piledriver – ★★ – The brawl earlier in the evening seemed to have taken a little out of Hyla for this one.

Scorn made short work of Sarsaparilla, the Ice Cream Girl with Rustler’s Roundup – ★1/2 – Some early offense by Sarsaparilla delighted the crowd but Scorn soon focused and picked up the win.

Freedom Fighter won a 20 Man Over The Top Universal Battle Royal. He will get a title shot in 2140.
Order of Eliminations:
1. Quagmire eliminated Exo-King (II)
2. Grand Master eliminated Havoc – This was interesting, the moment the bell rang, Grand Master attacked teammate Havoc! After eliminating him, he just stood and stared at the former Aethran until he was lead away from ringside but the officials. What happened here?!
3. Krakan eliminated Lord Nexus – the crowd was not happy!
4. The Basilisk & Sentinel brawled to a double elimination over the top rope and all the way to the back!
5. Chameleon Creature Black Death eliminated Murtak.
6. Chameleon Creature Future Shock eliminated Tharkas.
7. Moog eliminated Quagmire.
8. Saber eliminated Ygorr.
9. Saber eliminated Kurd.
10. Krakan d. Mr. Everything – This one had Deva LIVID!
11. Chameleon Creature Future Shock eliminated Burning Man.
12. Chameleon Creature Future Shock eliminated Krakan.
13. Chameleon Creature Future Shock eliminated Saber.
14. Grand Master eliminated Moog.
15. Chameleon Creature Black Death eliminated Orrus.
16. Chameleon Creature Future Shock eliminated Grand Master.
17. Freedom Fighter eliminated Chameleon Creature Future Shock.
18. Freedom Fighter Eliminated Chameleon Creature Black Death.

Galaxian Women’s Championship
Purge d. Killer Queen (II) with BORDER PATROL to become the new Galaxian Women’s Champion – ★★★★★ – An amazing match with both wrestlers giving it everything they had. This is Purge’s first time with the title.

Tempest d. Tarval via DQ when Tarval refuses to stop choking Tempest with his net – ★★★1/2 – Tarval had this match won before he resorted to illegal tactics! Tempest retains the title!

Apex & Siege d. Titan Samurai when Apex covered Kenji after APEX OF GLORY – SQUASH – Total. Domination by the Gladiators and they bring a swift end to Titan Samurai’s reign. Azuma didn’t even get to tag in! As has been their M.O. they took the belts and left without saying a word.

Perfect Specimen d. Zulfiqar with PINNACLE OF SUCCESS to retain the championship – ★★★★★ – This was a hard fought and won victory by Perfect Specimen but he was able to pull it off. Zulfiqar comes up shot but ends the year with the best record in the GWF.

Deva came to ringside to congratulate Perfect Specimen ‘entertainer to entertainer’ and said she was happy to have him representing the GWF. She said she saw big things for them in 2140!

Suddenly the celebration was cut short by the sounds of a dobro guitar as Shayne appeared ringside with a referee in tow! Deva asked what he thought he was doing there and Shayne replied he’s here for a match…with FIST!

Deva said the show is over and the broadcast had already ended. Shayne said it didn’t matter he wanted a match with Fist and he was pretty sure the crowd here at the Deimos Intergalactic Arena wanted to see it. The fans obviously did. Deva said she always wants to give the fans what they want so she’ll let the match happen but it’ll be unsanctioned.

SHAYNE: If it’s unsanctioned, then you won’t care if it’s a Hardcore Titan Death Match!

Deva was about to respond when Fist beamed to the ring! The fans were going nuts! Space Babies were being thrown in the air! The ref called for the bell!

Unsanctioned Hardcore Titan Death Match
Fist d. Shayne with Weapons to win a bloody, violent brawl – ★★★★★ – After the bell, the rest of the Gladiator team beamed to the ring and took turns hitting their finishers on Shayne. Shayne laid lifeless in a bloody heap as The Gladiators stood in a row and beamed away from the ring as one.

End of 2139