2139.527 – Civil War

Card 2139.527 – Civil War from Deimos Intergalactic Arena

Tonight, a single elimination tournament to determine the #1 Contenders to the Galaxian Tag Team Championship currently held by Titan Samurai.

Titan Death Rules
Apex & Siege d. Castilex when Siege covered Sentinel after the AETHRAN CRIPPLER – ★ – A quick an decisive victory by Apex & Siege who took no damage in this match.

Suddenly Shayne burst from the back and demanded that First come out and face him! “I’m close to one hundred wins and I want one of the last ones to be beating you.”

Fist and an Aethran Soldier charged the ring and the ref called for the bell on this impromptu match.

Shayne d. Fist via SHOWDOWN after SHAYNE’S FURY – ★★ – Fist dominated this one but out of nowhere Shayne made a huge comeback and got the win! After the bell, the Aethran charged Shayne and got a SHOWDOWN for his trouble! Shayne is now just one win away from 100!

Titan Death Rules
Chameleon Creatures d. Evolved when Chameleon Creature Future Shock covered Orrus after UNIVERSE SHATTERED – ★★★ – Competitive match but Evolved seemed to be missing a step! After the bell, Tarval left ringside without Orrus. We’ve seen this before but Tarval looked angrier than last time.

Bulldoze stomped to the ring. Officials ran out to ask her to leave but an Aethran Soldier informed them that Bulldoze would remain until Taichi came to face her. Looks like we have another impromptu match!

Taichi d. Bulldoze via DQ when the Aethran Soldier interfered – ★★★★1/2 – Taichi was seconds away from putting Bulldoze away when the Aethran Soldier interfered! Taichi and Lord Nexus beat a hasty retreat from ringside as more solider flooded the ringside area.

Titan Death Match
Apex & Siege d. Chameleon Creatures when Siege pinned Chameleon Creature Black Death after the Siege Slammer – ★★★1/2 – What a match! This one could have gone either way at any time but it will be Apex & Siege taking on Titan Samurai at Big Bang.