2131 – Statement from the GWF

Earlier today, the Galactic Wrestling Federation issued the following statement to the press:


RE:  The Abduction of the GALAXIAN CHAMPION Swarm

The Galactic Wrestling Federation, along with the entire galaxy, have been made aware of the current situation where GALAXIAN CHAMPION Swarm.  We know that his house was attacked and several people were injured in that attack and that Swarm himself has been abducted but an unknown party or parties.  While the Galactic Wrestling Federation management has no direct knowledge of who may be behind this abduction or what their motives may be, we are currently working closely with investigators from the UFSP in order to track down any clue that may lead to bringing the perpetrators of this crime to justice.

The Galactic Wrestling Federation has also been made aware that Swarm’s abductors may have implied that they would be appearing at the first card of the year, on Deimos at the Intergalactic Arena on January 5th.  To this end, the Galactic Wrestling Federation, with cooperation from the United Federation os Stars and Planets, has tripled the security at the venue and will personally guarantee fan safety at the event.

With our champion missing, we are waiting to see what we will do about the GALAXIAN CHAMPIONSHIP, but feel that that matter is not as important as morning those who lost their lives during the attack at Swarm’s residence and making sure that those who were injured, get the best medical care.  Something the Galactic Wrestling Federation has no responsibility to provide medical coverage for the injured, but we feel it is the right thing to do.

Finally, while the Galactic Wrestling Federation has had a very tumultuous relationship with GALAXIAN CHAMPION Swarm over the years, we join the UFSP in asking for his immediate and safe return.  We do not condone the actions of these attackers, and see a quick and just resolution to this hateful crime.

Furthermore, if the information comes to light proving that this attack was perpetrated by anyone currently under employ of the Galactic Wrestling Federation, they will face immediate firing and will be turned over to UFSP law enforcement.