CARD #2127.200 – BIG BANG 53
Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos
Deadliest d. Mistress of Darkness via DQ when Coven Black interferes in the match – ***1/2 – This match was extremely competitive before COVEN BLACK interfered. Puts a bit of a damper on MISTRESS OF DARKNESS’ recent winning streak.
Coven Black d. Paganax via pinfall after a springboard spear – *1/2 – A huge win for Coven Black! He dominated PAGANAX who only got a bit of offense in on the vampire! Definately a HUGE win that should propel BLACK further up the ranking ladder.
BLACK DEATH REVOLUTION d. LEADERS OF THE PACK via pinfall when Havoc hit Panther Warrior with the COSMIC NIGHTMARE – *3/4 – HAVOC and ALPHA FEMALE were out for revenge after their loss at CIVIL WAR and they did just that tonight dominating the Animen.
Paralyze d. Monolith via pinfall after PERMANENTLY PARALYZED – * – The arena is stunned! MONOLITH was wiping the mat with the GLADIATOR when things suddenly reversed and PARALYZE hit his finisher for the win! PARALYZE stands tall over the fallen MONOLITH and gloats.
Balaal d. PSI via DQ when The Guardian interferes as the action spilled outside the ring – ***1/2 – Towards the end of the match, the action went outside the ring. DARK MENACE distracted the ref and BALAAL was going for BITE OF THE SERPENT to the roar of approval of the crowd. GUARDIAN ran around and clobbered BALAAL but right as the ref turned around, giving BALAAL the DQ win.
Swarm d. Mantis via pinfall after the VENEMOUS STINGER – ***1/2 – MANTIS had come to the ring alone. No DARK MENACE, wearing street clothes which of course included an ‘UGLY MUCH’ shirt. SWARM also came alone, no PAYBACK. The match was fast and furious and did spill out of the ring, where MANTIS was in complete control. Once the action moved back into the ring thought SWARM took over and it was all settled then. SWARM hit his finisher and gets the win. After the bell, SWARM ripped the UGLY MUCH shirt off of MANTIS and threw it back down at him. The fans started booing loudly at this and started chanting ‘UGLY MUCH? UGLY MUCH?’ SWARM ignored them. He paused a minute and then looked down at his son. Then, in one swift motion he bent down and picked up his song and hefted him over one shoulder and proceeded to carry him away from the ring. The fans booed him the whole time.
BLACK DEATH CAGE RAGE d. ULTIMATE FIGHTERS via escape (pinfall) after Betrayer suffocated Shoot with a piece of ring apron and Anivar held off Clinch while he escaped – ** – A bloody encounter here but a big win for BLACK DEATH who bested the ever tough ULTIMATE FIGHTERS in this one.
Tharkas d. Payback via pinfall after the OBLITERATOR – ***1/2 – THARKAS destroyed PAYBACK here. The TITAN got in some offense and a near fall or two, but the match was all THARKAS. After the bell, THARKAS started circling PAYBACK. He hopped out of the ring and threw two chairs up into it. He laid PAYBACK across one and began climbing the ropes in one corner. Suddenly, SWARM came rushing to ringside! He ran up behind THARKAS and shoved him off the top rope to the arena floor. PAYBACK was soon revived and he grabbed the chair. SWARM took the other chair and the two stood over THARKAS and then just began bashing him repeatedly with chair shot after chair shot. THe fans were horrified by this display. Officials ran out from the back but SWARM and PAYBACK just shoved them away.
Suddenly Euritar appeared and ordered them to stop or face the consequences! Neither SWARM no PAYBACK obeyed, and they continued to wail on THARKAS. EURITAR had no choice but to send in officers who subdued them with containment guns. This was, without a doubt, one of th most violent scenes the GWF has scene. Ranks right up there with PARALYZE scrapping the tattoos off ANIVAR’S knuckles a few years ago.
SWARM and PAYBACK were lead away and THARKAS was attended to by several medics. As SWARM and PAYBACK were lead away they reached out and kissed each other to the jeering of the crowd.
Mother Superior d. Scorn via pinfall after MOTHER OF DESTRUCTION – ***** – A heck of a match here. Both women gave it their all and the title was close to changing hands several times. In the end MOTHER SUPERIOR gets the win and is still the GWF WOMEN’S CHAMPION.
Aethran Overmaster d. Nosfera via pinfall after an Overmaster Overhead Toss – ****1/2 – As wild as everyone thought it’d be, for sure! NOSFERA brought his insanity to OVERMASTER, but the power of the GLADIATOR was just too much. After the match, OVERMASTER made LEVELER bring him a mic.
OVERMASTER: Euritar! I’ll keep destroying people until you give me what I want. A Galaxian Title shot!
With that he hit NOSFERA with REIGN OF THE OVERMASTER and left him crumpled in the ring.
RUSH & TURMOIL d. THE GAMEMASTERS via pinfall when Rush hits Thantos (II) with THE TEMPEST – ***1/2 – THE GLADIATORS defended like true champions here, though THE GAMEMASTERS came close to winning a few times. A great night of wins for the AETHRANS.
It was now time for the main event. Before announcements were made EURITAR came out. He stated that this was the biggest match of the year and in order to provide the fans with the cleanest finish possible, the match would be fought under TITAN DEATH RULES. He also ruled htat NO ONE would be allowed to come ringside with the competitors. And if ANYONE interfered in the match, they would be terminated immediately. His goal was to give the fans what they wanted. A one on one title defense with a clear finish. With that he gave the go ahead to start the last match of 2127.
Harbinger d. Endgame via pinfall after PORTENT OF DOOM – *** – HARBINGER dominated this one, start to finish and retains the GALAXIAN CHAMPIONSHIP. He destroyed ENDGAME much to the delight of the fans in attendance! After the match was over, suddenly THE GUARDIAN appeared at ringside in a flash of light! He clobbered HARBINGER and then turned and helped ENDGAME up. ENDGAME, enraged by his loss, locked HARBINGER in the ROLLING FIGURE FOUR! He refused to let go even as the official ordered him to stop. At one point the GUARDIAN shoved the ref aside as the fans booed louder! Security rushed to the ring being lead by EURITAR and they got him to release the hold. ENDGAME and GUARDIAN dashed from ringside as the fans rained garbage down on them. The medics tended to HARBINGER and it’s this image of the fallen champ we see as we FADE TO BLACK and…
END 2127