2075.014 – INVASION
From Deimos Intergalactic Arena, Deimos
Commander Sam defeated Torpor with a pinfall after STAR SPANGLED BANNER. – **1/2 – Match Notes: The two foes tear into each other and COMMANDER SAM comes out on top.
K.O. Keller defeated Omega with a DQ when OMEGA whips KELLER into a ringpost. – **1/2 – Match Notes: The returning OMEGA is a ball of fire but takes things too far and gets himself disqualified.
PALADIN POWER d. CROSSCURRENTS when Solar Flare defeated Vortex with a countout when SOLAR FLARE piledrives VORTEX on the arena floor. – * – Match Notes: Good back and forth match until the countout finish.
Screw defeated Santon The Loner with a DQ when SANTON refuses to listen to the refs warnging about brawling. – 1/2 – Match Notes: These two loners tore into each other as if they had something to prove and SCREW picks up the win when SANTON ignores the ref about brawling.
DORADO SUNDOWN d. THE MENSANS when Bullwhip defeated Cordsar with a pinfall after TWELVE O’CLOCK HIGH. – *1/2 – Match Notes: DORADO SUNDOWN recapture the GALAXIAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS becoming the first two time holders of the belts!
The ring is surrounded by the deadly COSMIC CAGE. MORPHEUS comes to the ring and asks for a mic.
MORPHEUS: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a COSMIC CAGE. It is a fifteen foot high structure that has one sole purpose. To keep the action in the ring, in the ring. CAELUM, I’ll give it to you, you’ve been an impressive champion. You’ve beaten everyone in this federation. Everyone, except me. I hold two victories over you and those were DQ victories because you knew what these fans out here that cheer you don’t know. You know you CAN’T beat me. You need to get disqualified in order to hold onto that belt. To me, that makes you a coward. But tonight, tonight, I’ll show the world the truth. Because in this cage, there’s no disqualifications or countouts. And tonight CAELUM, i this cage, for you…there’s no escape!
Torin Caelum defeated Morpheus with an escape of the cage after an amazing deathjump from the top of it – pinfall – **** – Match Notes: TORIN CAELUM does it! He proves to the galaxy that he can beat MORPHEUS one on one. After the match, CAELUM went in and helped MORPHEUS up. MORPHEUS shoved him away and slinked out of the ring. CAELUM shook hands with fans and posed with the belt as we…