
M1.536 – Temple of Poseidyon, Olympus

Headliners d. Tsunami when Mr. Everything covers Tempest with IMPRESSIVE – ★ – Headliners look impressive after a lighting quick start by Tsunami.

Krakan d. Dyeus with a devastating Invincible Clothesline – ★★ – After the match, Burning Man held down Dyeus and Krakan worked the Power Ring off of Dyeus’ finger! Olympus security stormed the ring but Krakan and Burning Man teleported away with the ring! The fans on Olympus were not happy! Thesus and Asterion helped Dyeus out of the ring.

Istar d. Vale with a sharpshooter – ★ – Not as a competitive match as some had hoped between these two younger stars. After the bell, Sutek appeared once again at ringside and offered to help train Istar to ‘help you better wrestle here in Myth World.’ Istar again refused and left with Lord Nexus.

Lady Grand Master d. Karla with HEROINE’S JOURNEY – ★★ – Great come from behind victory for Lady Grand Master.

Saber shocked Anubis with SONIC WAVE – ★★1/2 – Great match! Isais did get involved at one point when Saber reached for his sword. Despite the interference, Saber picked up a solid victory here.

In a Myth Worlds Falls Count Anywhere Match for the Galaxian Women’s Title, Storm d. Bloody Marry with VICTORY LAP to become the new Galaxian Women’s Champion – ★★★ – Despite the combatants, this one stuck close to the ring. It had been announced that the two wrestlers agreed that no one would be at ringside, but in the final minutes, Teth ran in to help Bloody Marry, but was stopped by the ref.

The Aethrans claim another title and, true to recent form, Storm took the belt and left ringside without speaking to anyone.

Happening at a different time, but the same time, in a place out of time.

Pinnacle sits looking out over a barren landscape.

PINNACLE: I lost. To Musck. And though I beat Exo-King, it was by the skin of my teeth. And he had beaten me before. So I came here. I like to come here to think. To regroup. To focus my thoughts. To get in a better headspace, so I can be closer to Godsend. And that’s why I sent you here.

Havoc stands behind Pinnacle, seething. Pinnacle sits in a clear force field looking out over the desolate landscape in front of him.

PINNACLE: My hope in sending you here was to make you see the folly of your ways. To help soothe your anger. To focus your thinking. To calm your…Havoc. I can see it has done none of that.

HAVOC: Bring me back now.

PINNACLE (smirks): No. It doesn’t work like that. You don’t make demands. I do. So today…

Pinnacle snaps his fingers. A wrestling ring appears 10 feet behind him. It’s an odd sight on this empty planet.

PINNACLE:…You are going to help me get better.

HAVOC: I will never help you do anything.

PINNACLE: Yes, you will.

Pinnacle snaps his fingers again. A referee materializes in the middle of the ring. He is the same race as Teth and Bex.

PINNACLE: Because if you don’t, I’ll leave you stranded here. Forever.

Pinnacle snaps his fingers again and a disoriented Havoc realizes that they are now standing in the middle of the ring. The referee points for the bell and, though it isn’t there, it sounds throughout the landscape.

PINNACLE: If you want to go back…fight me.

Pinnacle smashes Havoc with a fist. The two fight. It’s not pretty. Havoc unleashes all of his anger on Pinnacle.

Havoc d. Pinnacle via a backbreaker – ★★★★

Havoc stands over a bloodied Pinnacle. He bends down and picks Pinnacle up by the straps on his gear. Pinnacle can barely keep his footing.

HAVOC: Return. Me. Now.

Pinnacle raises an arm. He snaps his fingers. The referee disappears. He snaps them again. The ring disappears and now it is just Havoc and Pinnacle. He snaps them again.

Pinnacle disappears.

Havoc stands holding nothing. In a pace where there is nothing. He vocalizes his frustration.