
Card 535 – Inferno – Arc of Eternity Arena, Arc at the Center of Eternity

The Arc is SRO as all titles will be defended tonight. Conspicuous by his absence, Pinnacle is not in attendance. When asked where he was, Teth snarled, “Away on business.” Many are speculating he’s in hiding after his loss to Musck. Teth assured everyone that is not the case.

Zulfiqar d. Nosfera via CRY “NINKARAK!” – ★★★1/2 – These two are still at each other’s throats here in the Center of Eternity. After the match, Zulfiqar voiced his displeasure in being overlooked for a Galaxian Title match and blames Pinnacle for it! He taunted Pinnacle to come out of hiding and face him!

Castilex d. Sovereign when Sentinel covered Grand Master after NIGHTWATCH – ★★★1/2 – This was a huge failure on the part of Sovereign. They had the match won several times and wore Sentinel down until he was bloody! But they let him make the tag to Moog who came in and battled both Exo-King and Grand Master until they were worn out and Sentinel was able to come in and mop up.

The Basilisk & Freedom Fighter brawled to a DOUBLE DISQUALIFICATION – DUD – This one didn’t even get started! The Basilisk stormed the ring and tackled Freedom Fighter and the two brawled out of the ring through the audience!

In a match for the Galaxian Women’s Championship, Storm d. Bloody Marry via DQ when Bloody Marry smashed Storm with a power bomb on the arena floor despite the warnings from the referee – DUD – Another brawl from the opening bell! Storm brought the fight to Bloody Marry and when the action spilled outside the ring, Bloody Marry went ultra violent. Bloody Marry retains the title but the war is far from over, for sure.

Fist defended the Interplanetary Championship, easily defeating Demonicus with WEAPONS – SQUASH – This one was completely one sided. It was all Fist from start to finish.

Titan Samurai became the new Galaxian Tag Team Champions after defeating Apex & Siege when Kenji covered Siege after Samurai Sword – ★★★1/2 – What looked completely one sided by the Gladiators soon crumbled as the Titans began using quick tags to keep the big men off their feet! Great wrestling by Kenji and Azuma.

In the Main Event, Thesus retained the Galaxian Championship via DQ when the ref caught Shayne using Frontier Justice – ★★★ – This match had the entire arena on their feet! Thesus seemed out classed but he, in no way, shyed away from Shayne! One highlight: Shayne hit SHOWDOWN and was about to cover Thesus when Asterion charged the ring and rammed Shayne with his horns! The ref didn’t see it happen and Dyeus rushed the ring to pull Asterion out of the ring admonishing him! When asked afterwards why he did that, Asterion snorted, “I’ve heard stories of how his kind treat my kind on his Earth! It will not stand!” After the match, Shayne challenged Asterion to a one on one match!