
M1.532 – Temple of Poseidyon, Olympus (51650)

Demonicus d. Dyeus via DQ when Dyeus hits Demonicus with a wine gauntlet that was on a table at ringside – ★★ – Pinnacle has seemingly sent Forbidden after the Olympians! Many believing this is to clear the path for Pinnacle to challenge for the Galaxian Championship. The fans in Olympus loved seeing Dyeus in action and cheered wildly even though he lost.

Scorn d. Kralla with the WESTERN LASSO – SQUASH – After her dominant win here, Scorn issued a challenge to Bulldoze, telling her she’s next on her ‘Most Wanted’ list.

Military Force d. Natives when Tharkas covered Higorr after ONLY HUMAN – ★ – After the match, Tharkas said, “I had heard the Natives have improved. I don’t see it, I didn’t even break a sweat.” Murtak just waved his flag and stomped around the ring.

Teth d. Asterion via DQ after a brutal slam on the stone arena floor – ★★ – Demonicus ran ringside to save Teth and this brought out Thesus! A wild brawl erupts! The Olympus fans in attendance started to chant, in unison, as the four men brawled! It was lively and unlike anything that’d happened in the GWF before.

Sutek d. Istar via DESTROYER CUTTER – ★★★★1/2 – A great match! After the bell, Sutek extended a hand to Istar and made him an offer to join him. “I see a great potential in you. Come to Atlantea and train with me and fulfill your full potential.” Istar looke intrigued but then waved him off and left with Lord Nexus.

In a rematch. Helle d. Catfight with CLAWS OF HELLE – ★★★★1/2 – Lokki stalked around ringside during this match. Helle fought off interference by Deva as she defeated Catfight. After the bell, Lokki approached Zira and seemed to be whispering something, but a solid roar from the tiger sent him scurrying.

In a Titan Death Match, Pinnacle d. Exo-King (II) via superhuman punch – ★★★★ – A dominant victory for Pinnacle over Exo-King (II). After the match, Pinnacle challenged Grand Master to a rematch.