We see SHAYNE prone of the floor, a soda next to him. Floating above him, a huge HoloVision screen that shows THE DOMINION walking through the crowds on CASTILEX at the end of their press conference. SHAYNE, smile on his face, makes a few gestures in the air and the HoloVision screen disappears. He grabs his soda and performs a flawless kip-up. He loudly slurps the remainder of his soda through a straw and then tosses the empty can into the room’s incinerator which kicks on and immediately breaks the can down into the its base mineral components. The whirring of the incinerator stops but the noise is immediately replaced by the hailing signal of a arriving transport beam.
SLY DRURY materializes out of thin air and stumbles sideways against the office wall. He is sweaty, out of breath. He holds the wall for support.
SHAYNE (Laughing): Shoot son, you more ragged than a ten day mare.
SLY DRURY: We….we….we need to come up with a plan. We gotta get the rest of Martial Law together. Maybe make overtures to Commander Sam and Massif. They–
SHAYNE: Partner, you need to sit down.
SHAYNE crosses and leads the flustered DRURY to his office chair. SHAYNE sits him down and pats him on the shoulder.
SLY DRURY: We need to talk to the board! He can’t do this..
SHAYNE: Shhhhhhh. Easy now, easy. I know things are topsy-turvy as all get out but right now but it’s all going to be okay. At the present moment, there’s only one thing you need to do to set this right.
SLY DRURY, confused looks up at SHAYNE.
SLY DRURY: What’s that?
SHAYNE: You need to get in touch with Eydilon, and you need to tell him to book a match between me and Godsend. His title versus my title. No disqualifications. No count outs. Winner take all.
SLY DRURY: What?! No!
SHAYNE: Yes. The only way to fix things is to nip this in the bud right now.
SLY DRURY: But Godsend–
SHAYNE: Is nothing. I’m the GREATEST OF ALL TIME! (He chuckles.) If I can’t beat a god, what good am I using that moniker. Book the match!
SLY DRURY slumps back into his chair.

– Trent Lawless
Read more: http://filsingergames.proboards.com/thread/13194/galaxys-finest-innovation-starts#ixzz5LLQ5TUjb